Saturday, September 19, 2009


"Love is when someone doesn't have clothes and you feel like that person is you, but it's not." Martha, age 10, Livingstone, Zambia
This is the beautiful quote that one of the girls at the orphanage said during a time of encouragement. All of the children are so beautiful and have so much to offer. Ebenezer truly has been a place of refuge for them. For little Martha who was the head of the household - cleaning and taking care of her baby sister, for Anna who's sister was selling each pair of clothing she would obtain, for Sheila who had a hole in her heart that no one knew about and was taken to South Africa for surgery paid for by Nelson Mandela, for baby Esther - a child so malnourished and full of intestinal worms that her stomach was literally making it hard for her to breath, and for so many others who have a story I haven't yet heard about. All of the children come from desperate circumstances, the lowest of low, the most vulnerable, and yet God has redeemed each one of them. They have so much to offer as you have seen from Martha and they never cease to humble those around them.

This week was a sad week because one of the teachers in the school passed away suddenly. The day before I was in her classroom talking and laughing with her and the next morning she was gone. It is still unknown how she died, though it is suspected it was an aneurysm. It was heartbreaking and a huge blow to Ebenezer school. Please continue to pray for her family (her husband and 3 children), and the rest of the staff as they suffer this huge loss. This is an all too common thing here in Africa for many reasons I'm sure. It made me realize once again how fragile life is and the mere moments I have with someone could really be their last. I am learning to take advantage of these small moments to learn from these people, share Christ, and share life. Today, I met a man on the streets who told me he has AIDS and is on ARV's. He wanted something to eat as he had not eaten in 2 days and was very weak. He smelt of beer so I asked if he had been drinking and though he denied at first, he told me sometimes he felt so much pain he just wanted to cover it. I shared with him about the overwhelming love of Christ and the freedom found in him and then I prayed for the man. I bought some food for him and prayed that this man would be set free from his addiction and his pain. I don't know where his heart is, but I know God is faithful in working in people's hearts. His name is Meshach. I pray he will have the same faith as Meshach in the Bible and will face hardships with that same presence of God. Please continue to pray for him as well.

Through many discouragements and feelings of hopelessness, there have been lights through people like Boyd and Betty. Boyd had been living on the streets when I first came and through much work and determination, he is now in school doing well, very involved in church, very polite, and he loves God. Betty lives with her brothers and father in a very small shack with no electricity or plumbing and many times no food. She is 17 and will finish high school next year. Every time she needs school fees, the Lord provides in miraculous ways and her faith is so strong. I listened as she told me that even when she has no food, she knows her God is faithful and loving. She humbles me so much and draws me closer to God. She knows He is the only reason she is still alive and passing 2nd in her class. She will go on to do great things and continue to encourage those around her.

Please continue to pray for these people, the children and staff at Ebenezer, strength through discouragement, and a closer relationship with God. I have prepared to do many things here that I have not been able to do which has been discouraging, but I'm always being taught to WAIT and hear from God. It is very hard as I like to do things and see results, but that is not always what he wants. There is always blessing in the waiting and I have started to see it through having time to spend with the children, blessing the staff through organizing and encouragement, and allowing resources to be used through sorting them (books and donations), but I still need encouragement that what I am doing is making a difference. I would also appreciate prayer for continued financial assistance and direction as to where the Lord is leading me (for how long I will stay here and with Ebenezer, etc).

Please enjoy some pictures of the kids and the school/orphanage on facebook. If you don't have facebook and would like to see the pictures, I can send a link to you.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Adjustment Once More

I’m back home in Zambia and feeling so many feelings once more. Each time I come back there is a whirlwind of emotions that flows over me. I feel so happy to be here again amidst people so hungry for God and community, lonely for girls my age to pour my heart out to, sad at all the pain and heartache that I see people face here, and angry that I feel helpless and out of place at times.

My first week here was certainly interesting, difficult, and exciting all at the same time. The second night I was here, the power company turned off the power at the place I am staying and took Alice to the police station saying she was using an illegal connection. We had to go find her to see if she was alright. It ended up being fine, but we have not had power for a week now because she is negotiating how much she will pay with the power company and she is waiting for school fees to start coming in. There was also a domestic dispute in the house with some people living here so they had to leave. I had to help calm them down. I also found out that the neighbor boy who lived behind us last time had fallen out of a truck and it ran over his leg. He had to have it amputated which was very sad to hear because he was studying so hard to be a plumber and electrician. Now, I don’t know if he will be able to get a prosthetic one or what will happen.

Despite all the craziness, I have been able to see so many people that I had missed and see some of the fruits of my work from last time. Many of the children I was working with last time are doing so well. This week I started at Ebenezer though it has been a little crazy with visitors coming from Australia. I met the children and heard some of their stories and helped clean the houses for the visitors. I am blown away by the way God has provided for this organization and raised up these children. These are children who come from the lowest of low in the most desperate situations and they are being raised up as leaders. What a story of restoration! I can’t wait to hear more and be a part of their lives. Next week I will have more of a schedule to help me to understand my role, but for now I am enjoying friends and the visitors who have come. Ebenezer just bought land for a farm in order to grow food for the children and the workers and to teach the children farming techniques. They are also building a home for babies. I’ll be moving next week to a one bedroom place by myself until my friend Charity can move in with me (after 2 months).

The Lord has reminded me once again that it is not about the skills and knowledge that I have, but about what He can do. Every time I rely on my own knowledge and skills, He brings me back to reality and I feel helpless until I see the work He can use me for if I am just willing…