Wednesday, April 28, 2010


As I start this blog, I keep thinking how I am humbled each and every day I am here. In the last month or so, I have started going into the villages with another staff member from Overland Missions to do staff evaluations in the preschools, attend teacher trainings, and start assessments for the project we want to start with the vulnerable populations in the villages. I have also met with several members of Social Welfare to discuss how we can come alongside the projects they are already doing so that they will be self-sustainable. Each day that I visit the village, I am once again humbled at the difficult lifestyle lived each and every day by the people there. Recently, I attended a teacher training where I met one teacher named George, a 69-year-old man who walks six hours each way to where the truck picks up the teachers to attend the training. I was told that one day he walked to whole way because he missed the truck. He has such a passion for teaching children even at his age and is always excited to participate in the training. He is also excited to hear the word of God that is preached before each training. I am humbled by people like George who have such a desire for God and desire to see change in the next generation. He inspires me and gives me a renewed joy for the work I am doing.

Thank you to everyone who has kept me in your prayers as several of them were answered. First of all, I received my work permit which allows me to be in the country for two years. This can be a complicated and long process, but it was quite simple and short for me. It was also sent straight to my city instead of having to pick it up in the capital city. This is also rare so the glory is given to God once more. I also recently moved to a place that is more secure. I am sharing a room with another Zambian girl who has been such a blessing to me. I’ll be moving next week to live on the Overland base for the missions training I am taking part in, but I will keep my place in town and my roommate so that I will have a place to stay when the training ends. This was a huge answer to prayer as well. I have also recently purchased a Toyota Rav4 to use in the villages which will make my work much easier and I will be able to assist social welfare to reach remote areas as well. My work will be on hold for the next three months as I attend the training, but I intend to become a full-time staff member in August when the roads will be completely dry. I am so grateful for transportation to use in areas that are difficult to access without a vehicle.

I have also been quite busy at my church recently as I have joined the praise team, shared a message with the youths, attended a youth camp, and I am in the process of organizing a trainer to come and teach leaders how to teach a curriculum called “Choose To Wait”, an abstinence program designed to show youth their worth in Christ and the beauty of sex in marriage. I also attended a missionary ladies’ retreat. We had so much fun as ladies and shared with one another what it looks like to love well. We also washed each other’s feet as an act of service and love to one another. It was a beautiful moment.

I am looking forward to next week when I will start Advanced Missions Training with Overland Missions. There are so many things I will learn that will be so beneficial to my ministry. I am really excited about it, but it will also feel like I’m leaving “home” again because I will be moving from town where my church is and many friends, to the base in the village where I will have a new family of missionaries. After the training I will need to raise monthly support in order to be a full-time staff member. This means I will need people to commit to donating monthly support starting in August. If you are interested, please email me at and I can give you further details. I want to challenge you to consider even $10 or $20 a month which is very doable and can really help when many people commit to such amounts. Thank you all for your support emotionally, financially, and prayerfully.

Prayer Requests:
-Car to work properly for the work I’m doing
-Advanced Missions Training: For our team to work together in unity, learn from the Lord, and minister well.
-Villages: For people to respond to the Gospel and turn from witchcraft, idolatry, and other strongholds.
-Unity and connectedness among the Overland team
-Finances for monthly support to stay as a staff member
-Wisdom in the best ways to start a project for the vulnerable populations

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